The Hashtag Bowl: Media Literacy Opportunities (Pt 2)

Jan. 30, 2015 Whether it’s using hit movies like Frozen as an icebreaker to talk about social shunning, bullying, social emotional tough stuff or Super Bowl ads as learning tools to ferret out what’s REALLY being said, sold, packaged, and presented at every age and stage, Shaping Youth is all about leveraging pop culture touch points as ‘teachable moments’ to instill critical … [Read more...]

Homework? Super Bowl Ads and Media Literacy

January 27, 2015 After updating prior Super Bowl posts about the persuasion, impact, influence, and latest trends in Super Bowl Ads, (including this new NFL PSA against domestic violence) it's imperative to also call out the "repeat offenders"...corporations that consistently produce toxic imagery and narratives in spite of criticism to elicit brand change.Two standouts are … [Read more...]

Ground Hog Day: Super Bowl Sexism Keeps Popping Up

Feb 2, 2013 It's Ground Hog Day and as reliable as Punxsutawney Phil, parents and pundits await to see what shadows will be cast on kids from the Super Bowl media hype blaring at surround sound decibel levels, even among those not remotely interested in 'the big game.' KJ Dell'Antonia, lead author of the NYTimes parenting blog the Motherlode does some hilarious pop culture … [Read more...]

Wanted: Female Creative Directors To Change the Media Landscape

Update Oct. 30, 2014  This coming week Nov. 3 & 4, 2014 Kat Gordon's highly successful 3PercentConference circles back to its origins in San Francisco after gaining momentum across the country, expanding exponentially! Congrats to industry pros and colleagues making a difference and the 2014 line-up of speakers and subjects that matter. Looking forward to hearing more from … [Read more...]