Free for the Asking: ChaCha Answers, Texted to Your Phone

At the YPulse Mashup, I thought I might see mobile search companies like Thrumm MMS (multimedia messaging service/cameraphones) ChaCha the human-search engine in beta, and even Yap voice to text speech recognition to keep those "66% of teens who text while driving" safely at bay... Especially since mobile search texting answers to your phone seems like a natural for this … [Read more...]

Using Mobile to Mobilize: Tapping Into Youth Info Needs

Aug. 7 update: New podcasts for ISIS and MobileVoter links at the end. If you still think Cha-cha is a dance step and Isis is a bird, it’s time to mobilize your mindset and get a glimpse of mobile youth trends and teen texting so you're fully abreast of The Next Great Thing. Kids literally have helpful information at their fingertips just a keycode away, whether … [Read more...]