Wii Are Family: A French Look At A Global Gaming Phenom

Romantic that I am, I took French in 8th grade yet proceeded to live in locations where Japanese, Chinese or Spanish were the language of choice; yet somehow, French still sticks in my brain. There are plenty of language resource hubs and brain data expressing the myths of kids' critical learning years for foreign language, but regardless of linguistics research all I know … [Read more...]

Kids’ Health 2.0: Get Your Head in the Game

Unbeknownst to me, today is Child Health Day, evidently the 80th annual occasion?  (another one of those ‘must’ve slipped by me’ arcane calendar days) Evidently Calvin Coolidge came up with this gig way back in 1928, complete with proclamation and pledges toward healthy eating and activity and the future of our nation...but let's face it, we all know … [Read more...]