One Teen’s View on Going Green: Use Eco as an Equalizer

August 27, 2009 One of my Title I school students said, "We recycle in my's called hand-me-downs." Hmn. Since then, I've been attuned to the "green is for those who HAVE green" eco-mindset and kept track of echoes in our cross-cultural moshpit of a neighborhood. In part two of our Teens Turning Green piece, I’d asked Shaping Youth 16-year old writing intern … [Read more...]

healthGAMERS Part Two: Interview With Melanie Lazarus, MPH

June 30, 2009 Today in my Twitter feed (yes, I finally joined, see sidebar badge!) I immediately benefited from the 'following' phenom to shortcut my research time when a new friend/follower in Australia, Tania Andrusiak, pointed to today’s Scientific American story called “Take two video games and call me in the morning” ---('ReTweet' visual at left) Guess it's time for … [Read more...]

Doug Engelbart Supports Shaping Youth By Offering Digital History

Jan. 30, 2014 Thinking pensively about the late, great Doug Engelbart on this birthday today, as he would've been 89. Let's celebrate his spirit by raising the collective knowledge for humanity...and applying it every day of our lives! Jan. 30, 2013 update: Make it great for #88! Just wrote birthday wishes on Doug Engelbart's wall and reminded myself once again why we need … [Read more...]