8-8-08 Beijing Olympics: Using New Media With Decorum

My eco-minded ‘one world, one dream' brother was married on 8-8-88 at 8:08, and though he’s not Chinese, he’s well aware that many people in China believe in the good fortune of number eight, “ba” as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. So Happy 20th Anniversary today Mark & Deb! Here's to joyous days! If today’s 8-8-08 at 8:08 … [Read more...]

Using Media to Inspire All Ages: Lia Neal to Dara Torres

Aug. 12, 2016 Friday Flashback as we add fresh 2016 context to this fabulous photo of two historic moments: Simone Manuel's gold medal win as the first African-American woman to win an individual Olympic medal in swimming, and Lia Neal's bronze medal in the 2012 400m relay, marking her own historic career first, followed up in 2016 with a SILVER medal in the same event. … [Read more...]