Graduation: From What To What? Media Moments Of Expectation

June 10, 2009 Yesterday my daughter ‘graduated’ from eighth grade, and I found myself marveling at the whole commencement falderal as being a bit surreal... It was lovely, in a 'life event' kind of way, but with a rented performing arts center stage, anxious kids wanting things to be 'perfect,' parents whooping and hollering and fist-pumping as junior walked across stage and … [Read more...]

Amy Jussel on The Girl Revolution, Part Two

June 4, 2009 In Part Two of my interview on The Girl Revolution, we got into the 'Secret Life of the American Teenager' media portrayal of a 15-year old 'band geek' and I realized I never got around to posting my extensive ISIS conference data and teen vs. parent point of view on that series finale... I definitely need to uncork that discussion and continue this last one, as … [Read more...]