New Media, The “Youth Vote” And Generation “We”

The "audacity of hope"...It's a powerful potion for all ages, not just Generation "WE." I wrote about "marketing hope" awhile back on this post Inconvenient Truth Meets Digital Earth and am in a bit of deja vu, balancing equal parts challenge and roll up the sleeves pragmatics... I wonder what category I ended up in via Facebook’s “largest online rally in … [Read more...]

A Bear Flash Animation Eco-Messages Kids Love!

Yep. Free Range Studios (once again!) produced this cute little animated critter tale. (Pretty soon I'm going to sound like I'm shilling for them!) I've already covered their Uncaged" pig-tale for California's Yes on 2...That said, support for the environment is NOT a partisan issue, and just like the NCLI eco-literacy act, this represents a bipartisan, national coalition for … [Read more...]

This Little Piggy Went to the Market: Free Range, Uncaged

I KNEW Free Range Studios HAD to be the animation movie team riffing on the tune ‘Superstition’ with dancing piggies and agribusiness villains to inspire voters to take action on industrial farm animal cruelty for HSUS. (playful video after the jump) For children, the animation in "Uncaged" is cute and clever enough to get the point across, (and for teens to … [Read more...]